About Us

The National Women’s Political Caucus-South Carolina is a chapter of the National Women’s Political Caucus (NWPC), a national, pro-choice, multi-partisan, grassroots membership organization dedicated to identifying, recruiting, training and supporting women candidates for elected and appointed office.

Our Goals

The SouthCarolina Women’s Political Caucus, is a statewide multi-partisan organization that holds as its joint mission —
  • Promoting full and equal participation of women in government and the political process; and
  • Supporting measures that will open economic and political opportunities for women.

We strongly encourage women to seek public office, whether elected or appointed. Our membership is comprised of women who are government officials, community activists, business leaders, and voters who want to make a difference for women in South Carolina and across the United States.

We are in an active phase to grow our network across the state. We would love for you to join us and help build a caucus in your community. Membership dues are $65 annually, including membership in the National Women’s Political Caucus. We also offer Student and Limited Income memberships at $30. Join us.

We look forward to working with women across our state to elect more women and advocate for issues that are important to women, children, and families. 

In The News

These South Carolina GOP women are warning their party about abortion politics, but will they listen? 

Conway leaders stand by historic Pride Month proclamation after religious backlash
South Carolina’s new all-male highest court reverses course on abortion, upholding strict 6-week ban
Abortion is banned after six weeks of pregnancy in South Carolina